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My story


Keeping Time  



Science Fiction/Fantasy 


(though I'd call it Paranormal Science Fiction if that was a thing.) 




Time travel, an empath musician, an alternate future world with *almost* no music, clones with unusual psychic abilities from a super-secret laboratory similar to the one in Stranger Things minus the inter-dimensional monsters, setting as character, music as a character, a time loop, an anti-hero and a really big bear.​



​Angelo is a paranormal clone carrying all the music of a lost world in his head. He must play the guitar nearly continuously. If the lost world isn’t restored soon, the music will kill him, but restoring that world will destroy the one that replaced it along with the girl he’s falling for.  



Angelo’s mentor sent him to an alternate timeline to abduct a version of her younger self, but he failed. Now he’s stuck repeating the same three days in a world that hates music. Too bad he must play the guitar nearly round-the-clock. The Music inhabiting his brain insists on it, so of course the locals keep throwing him in the stocks. 


He doesn’t dare use his empath powers to make them leave him alone since that went horribly wrong the last time. Even so, he’d rather stay in this world than return to the laboratory where he was raised, only it’s not an option. Angelo must escape the time loop before it closes or he will cease to exist, and he’s been there a lot longer than he thinks.


The girl he was supposed to kidnap is nothing like he expected. Joya is friendly and curious, with a talent for fixing things. She wants music for her world, and if they won’t accept it…well, she’ll figure that out later. When Angelo refuses to teach it to her, she decides to go to his world to get it–just as soon as they figure out how. 


But messing with the timeline has consequences. No one understands this better than Laura–Angelo’s mentor–who has spent too many years trying to fix past mistakes. More than just an older Joya with a grudge and a creepy jewelry collection, Laura has a plan for Angelo and his unusual talents. The time loop was no accident, the Music is getting stronger, and returning to Aeon is only the beginning of Angelo’s problems. 




I would love to find Angelo in a Google search of empath characters in fiction. If I'm honest, I want to find him near the top of a list of the best empath characters in fiction. I know it sounds presumptuous, except I think I've done a good job with that aspect of his character, and also, it's a really small field. 



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